
Se afișează postări din 2013
Some news about Burlacu Church  On September 29th we had harvest celebration where we enjoyed the harvest of this year, the church came to thanks God for blessing from this year . Our church have sent 4 students at the Bible College in Chisinau, on 20 October  they  visited (with their  colleagues)  the Burlacu church and  had a program of songs. Pray for our students, John, Gennady, Anna and Vera. On October 20th I was invited to the ordination of my friend  for the ministry of pastor, was a special day, emotionally. Pray for brother Igor new pastor, that God would bless him in this ministry.    Our church has a great desire to start the construction of a new building for the church, this week we started  digging the foundation for the building. Pray for the new building and an annex which we want to add to this building, and for all the necessity. .       From October 1 has been start
Biserica Baptista Burlacu Decembrie-Noiembrie 1.        Binecuvintare In luna Decembrie am avut   binecuvintarea unui copil, Serghei si Tanea este o familie tinara care vine la noi la Biseriva de un an de zile, Serghei   vine dintr-o familie crestina dar de la 20 de ani a abandonat biserica a trait in lume pina s-a intilnit cu Tatiana care nu este dintr-o familie crestina. Dup ace sau casatorit Domnul ia binecuvintata cu 2 copilasi pe care iau adus la binecuvintare, si de atunci vin regulat la Biserica speram cu ajutorul Domnului anul acesta sa inchee un legamint cu Domnul, Tatiana are inca   4 frati dintre care   unul a primit bortezul   si altii 2 vin regulat la intilnirile de tineri si la biserica,   toti baietii sunt dupa 20 de ani asa ca va rugam sa va rugati pt aceasta familie   si fratii lui Tatiana, Eugen si Stiopa. 2.        Anul nou cu tinerii si biserica Biserica noastra are o traditie de-